Dog Rose Cowrie
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The Dod Rose Cowrie has an egg-shaped shell coloured orange, tan, brown and white. The opening in the shell has "teeth," which provides protection from predators. The mantle extends through this opening and completely covers the shell unless the snail feels threatened.
Provide the Dog Rose Cowrie with ample hiding places and sufficient room. It is a nocturnal animal by nature; during the day it is found under rocks or resting on soft corals, and at night it forages for food. An aquarium with live rock provides a good environment where it can graze on algae and diatoms growing there. Although mainly herbivorous, when it becomes larger, it may try and feed on sponges and soft corals. If there is insufficient algae, its diet should be supplemented with dried seaweed, pellet, and flaked foods that are eaten off of the bottom.
They are very sensitive to high levels of copper-based medications and is rather intolerant of higher nitrate levels.