Pink Reef Lobster
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The Pink Reef Lobster has elongated, flat appendages that are used mostly for show. Its body is a vivid purple and orange colour with red spotting over it.
While it prefers to roam at night, it will usually ignore sleeping Wrasses, but sometimes will bother invertebrates. It will need a good hiding place after it molts while it waits for its new exoskeleton to harden. The cave can be designed so that it can be seen during the day, but it will spend most of the daylight hours in its cave hiding from the light.
The Pink Reef Lobster prefers an aquarium with live rock so that it can roam over the surface looking for food. It is sensitive to high levels of copper-based medications.
All Reef Lobsters are very territorial and aggressive towards each other, so only one should be kept in an aquarium unless they are a bonded pair.