Sexy Shrimp
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The Sexy Shrimp is named for its unusual body movements. When walking, the Sexy Shrimp sways its abdomen back and forth with exotic flair. In addition to this fascinating behavior, the Sexy Shrimp is also uniquely dressed in a reddish brown body dotted with brilliant white spots. These characteristics make the Sexy Shrimps an enchanting aquarium addition.
Native to the reefs of the Indo-Pacific, this member of the Hippolytidae family is usually found amongst the tentacles of an anemone. In the home aquarium, however, the Sexy Shrimp is often found perched on a coral frag or outcropping of live rock. Most are equally fearless as they are beautiful and will scavenge in any area of the aquarium in search of meaty foods.
For best care, the Sexy Shrimp should be kept in small groups and fed a varied diet of plankton and flaked, pellet, frozen, and chopped meaty foods. It is peaceful towards members of its own species and other tankmates.
The Sexy Shrimp should not be housed in aquariums with predatory fish that might attack these small shrimp.
Interestingly, the Sexy Shrimp is a relatively fast grower and will molt about once a month. However, most Sexy Shrimp will grow only to a maximum size of around 2cm.
Although very hardy, it requires a slow acclimation process to avoid any salinity and/or pH shock.
Like other invertebrates, the Sexy Shrimp cannot tolerate high nitrate or copper levels. To promote proper molting, sufficient iodine levels must be maintained.
The larger Sexy Shrimp are females while the males are smaller. Generally females Sexy Shrimp have a white stripe across its back that is broken. The males do not have broken stripes, it just looks like a single stripe. Also as its the females that carry eggs, the underside of the females is wider while male Sexy shrimp are thinner.