Spiral Feather Worm
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The Spiral Feather Duster is exquisite in both form and shape. Its fan-shaped radiole is a brilliant spiral or corkscrew shape that dresses any aquarium. Like other members of the Sabellidae family, the Spiral Feather Duster uses its radiole to filter out small floating organisms, which it directs toward its mouth, located at the center of the crown. The Spiral Feather Duster protects its segmented body by secreting a parchment tube to cover itself. When it is disturbed or threatened, it can quickly pull its radiole into the tube. If the Spiral Feather Duster is severely stressed, it will discard its crown, growing it back later. The Spiral Feather Duster is usually found in the coral rubble at the base of the reef, with some of the rubble being incorporated into its parchment-like tubes.
It requires a well-established reef system since it is dependent upon floating plankton for its diet. Supplemental feeding of phytoplankton and liquid organic foods should be provided. Like other invertebrates, the Spiral Feather Duster is very intolerant of copper-based medications and fluctuations in water parameters.