Yellow Boxer Shrimp
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The Yellow Boxer Shrimp have a yellow body and legs, while the chelae and abdomen have red and sometimes white and red bands. Members of the Stenopodidae are called Boxing Shrimp because of the large pinchers on their third set of legs. They often hold these pinchers erect, giving the appearance of a boxer ready to fight. Sufficient room should be provided in the tank to allow the Yellow Boxer Shrimp to move with its long antennae.
The Yellow Boxer Shrimp must be kept singly, or as a true mated pair, being intolerant of others of the same species. It may also harass other smaller shrimp of different species. It is relatively hardy, but must be acclimated slowly to avoid any salinity and/or pH shock.
It is intolerant of high nitrates or copper levels, but iodine levels in the water must be correct to promote proper molting.
In the wild, the Yellow Boxer Shrimp feeds on parasites, dead tissue removed from fish, and other tiny organisms. In the home aquarium, it will accept most flaked, pellet and frozen foods, plankton, and meaty items. Yellow Boxer Shrimp are also effective bristleworm hunters in the reef aquarium, helping to keep the population of these pests under control.