D-D Marco Rock Coralline
You will earn 169 Points
Formed by nature - Each rock is totally unique and ideal for creating beautifully realistic marine environments. In many rocks you can even see the distinct coral structures from the ancient animals that created it. As well as making this product environmentally friendly to living coral reefs, the added benefit of using a dry natural rock is that it is completely free from pests and hitchhikers, giving you peace of mind that un-wanted organisms are not introduced with your aquascape.
Buffering - The calcium carbonate composition of the rock will provide natural buffering capacity in the aquarium without negative effects on the pH. No additional curing is needed.
Build complex aquascaping structures
By using either the Aquascape Mortar Bonding Kit or D-D Aquascape Construction Epoxy it is possible to build elaborate, permanent structures by bonding the rocks together.
Coralline - ReefSaver
Saving the reef one rock at a time.
This will be your main 'go-to' rock that you will use for the construction of your custom reef.
An 18Kg mixed box contains rocks that range from 10-30cm but most of the pieces will be 12-16cm size. The shapes will be random and highly textured due to the natural origin of the material removed from the on land remains of an ancient reef.
Coralline - Foundation
A solid base for your reef
Foundation rock, as the name suggests, allows you to build a stable structure that will remain strong in high water flow and with the most boisterous fish and urchins. It is formed from pieces of ReefSaver rock, cut to give one flat stable face.
We recommend sitting on 3-4 putty feet to raise the rock slightly off the glass to allow some water to pass underneath.
Coralline - Hybrid
Not Shelf, Not ReefSaver!
This rock is a hybrid between the Premium Shelf and the ReefSaver.
It comes from specific localised areas of the ancient reef and forms some unusual natural shapes which also have a degree of plate formation.
It can be used by itself to form a more stratified reef or can be mixed along with the other rocks types.
Coralline - Premium Shelf
Natural plating rock.
Premium Shelf is found in areas where natural plate formations occur, which are not very common structures within the ancient reef deposits, and takes more preparation than the other rocks to produce the finished product.
Each rock is unique and can be used to form fantastic shelf and cave structures on which you can place your corals or in which your fish can hide.