Cocos Pygmy Dwarf Angel Fish
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The Joculator Angelfish is a beautiful, not so often seen species. This brightly colored angelfish resembles the Bicolour Angel Fish but lacks the distinguishing vertical blue bar above the eye. In contrast, the Joculator Angelfish sports a blue ring around its eyes and the same electric blue coloration traces a thin outline along the edges of its dorsal and anal fins.
The Joculator Dwarf Angel Fish is a hardy angelfish. The ideal setup for the Joculator Angelfish is an established marine aquarium aquascaped with a generous amount of live rock and plenty of open spaces to swim.
The Joculator Angelfish can be kept with corals and clams with caution as it may nip at them in search of food. In addition, the Joculator Angelfish is intolerant of conspecifics, so avoid housing more than one Joculator Angel in an aquarium or with other fish that resemble it such as a Bicolour Angel Fish or even a Rock Beauty Angel Fish.
The Joculator Dwarf Angel Fish should be feed often to help discourage it from nipping at corals or mantels of clams. Feed a diet of enriched frozen brine shrimp and mysis shrimp along with algae and chopped meaty foods.