Gladiator Clownfish
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The Gladiator Clownfish retains the orange colouration in neat, broad blocks beautifully traced by black striping.
What makes the Captive-Bred Clownfish even more appealing to aquarists is the fact that they are captive-bred to help protect the world’s fragile reef environments. The Captive-Bred Clownfish has other unique advantages over wild-harvested species. For one, the Captive-Bred Clownfish is very hardy and more accustomed to conditions found in home aquariums. Therefore, it makes a great choice for novices and seasoned aquarists alike.
The Gladiator Clownfish females will be the largest of the pair and the two fish will usually stay close to each other in the aquarium.
The Gladiator Clownfish is an aggressive eater. It will accept most meaty foods and frozen herbivore preparations.