Golden Heart Trigger
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The Golden Heart Trigger is a large beautiful Triggerfish. It has a yellow body with on his large head blue spots and stripes. On the rest of the body it has white stripes and dark brown spots. Combined with the triggerfish shape and graceful swimming, a lot of people are attracted to this fish.
Remember it isn't reef safe though! It eats mainly crabs and bivalves, but may eat coral and even small fish. It can also be agressive to other fishes, so make sure you pick the other fishes with care!
An aquarium with plenty of swimming space is required for this species as they grow very large. These triggerfish are not safe for the reef aquarium, and will eat any crustacean in the aquarium. They are one of the more aggressive fish that should be added last to your collection.
The Golden Heart Trigger needs a varied diet of meaty foods including; squid, krill, clams, small fish and hard shelled shrimp to help wear down their ever growing teeth.