Hi Fin Nano Goby
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The Hi Fin Nano Goby is a rare find in the industry. Smaller gobies, reaching a total length of 3 cm, their bodies are silver-white with black spots on the head and a distinct dark stripe on the belly with red finnage. The extreme anterior projection of the dorsal fin is eye catching. They are active and peaceful gobies that will make a wonderful addition to the saltwater reef or fish only aquarium.
It should be kept in a smaller Nano-type aquarium with a substrate of sand or crushed coral. The Hi Fin Nano Goby is cryptic; they need plenty of live rock for hiding and as a supplemental food source. The Hi Fin Nano Goby tends to do better singly or in pairs. Do not house these gobies with larger, aggressive fish or invertebrates.
Unlike many small gobies, this species has no symbiotic relationship with shrimp and does not burrow in the sand for protection.
The diet should consist of a variety of frozen seafood, brine shrimp, and mysis shrimp, or flake food. It needs to be fed twice per day.