Indian Trigger
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The Indian Trigger is a medium-sized triggerfish very similar to Black trigger. It has a dark brown, almost black, body with very thin lines which look like yellow-gold depending on the light. The most outstanding feature from this fish are probably the bright white lines at the base of the dorsal and anal fish, as well as the outer edge of the caudal fin. Combined with the unusual triggerfish shape and graceful swimming, a lot of people are attracted to this fish.
Remember it isn't reef safe though! It eats mainly sponges, algae, crustaceans and small invertebrates, but can nip at corals. It can also be agressive to other fishes, so make sure you pick the other fishes with care!
An aquarium with rocks and caves provides a good habitat for the Indian Triggerfish, however, it will tend to rearrange the landscaping and rocks.
The Indian Triggerfish needs a varied diet of meaty foods including; squid, krill, clams, small fish and hard shelled shrimp to help wear down their ever growing teeth.