Percula Clownfish
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NEMO! The Percula Clownfish are normally found in association with anemones on the reefs of Indonesia, Australia and the Great Barrier Reef. It can be found individually, or more commonly, in pairs or small groups within the same anemone such as Ritteri or Carpet Anemones.
Young Percula Clownfish are usually mostly orange and white when young. As the fish matures the black sections between the white stripes will darken with age. Captive-Bred specimens differ from their wild-caught counterparts in that their stripes are often irregular. These characteristics add to the uniqueness and appeal of these fish.
The Common Clownfish is often confused with the Percula Clownfish. They are difficult to tell apart. The True Percula is a very bright orange, whereas, the Common Clownfish tends to be more drably coloured withblack eyes. The Percula Clownfish also has a thicker black outline to its white body stripes with orange eyes. Their beautiful colours and likable personalities make them a wonderful addition to reef aquariums.
Captive-bred clownfish are very hardy and durable fish making them a perfect addition for the novice or seasoned aquarist. The Percula Clownfish is a good candidate for a reef aquarium.
Clownfish are easy to breed in the home aquarium. The females will be the largest of the pair, and two fish will usually stay close to each other in the aquarium.
Percula Clownfish do well in an aquarium containing almost any anemone type, In nature they are found to host Bubble Tip Anemones, Malu Anemones, Crispa Anemones, Ritteri Anemones and Carpet Anemones.
In nature, the Percula Clownfish is an omnivore. In an aquarium, it will readily accept most choppedmeaty foods and herbivore preparations.