Spotfin Butterflyfish
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The Spotfin Reef Butterflyfish is named for the small, black spot located on the end of the dorsal fin. Adults are white, with bright yellow pelvic and caudal fins, and a narrow yellow bar from the gill to the base of the pectoral fins. A vivid black, vertical bar on the head passes through the eye. Juveniles exhibit an added dark spot at the base of the anal fins with a shadowy streak that extends to the small spot on the dorsal fin. What really sets the Spotfin Butterflyfish apart is at night, this fish undergoes remarkable changes. The large, dusky smudge on the dorsal fin becomes black and broad, and dark bands appear on the body. It is also known to sometimes swim upside down, and occasionally squirt water like fountain above the waterline. The Spotfin Butterflyfish is peaceful, most commonly found in shallow waters around coral reefs alone or in bonded pairs, who form a lifelong partnership. Most active during the day, they change color and seek shelter for sleep in the evening, as they are highly vulnerable to larger predators. Fellow tankmates should be peaceful in nature. Spotfin Butterflies are not recommended in the reef aquarium. A finicky carnivore, to encourage eating, offer live, vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, clam, and mashed squid or shrimp. Once eating regularly, offer mysis shrimp and frozen carnivore preparations