TMC Reef Bio Gro 2.0
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TMC Reef Bio Gro 2.0 can be used to reduce nitrates and phosphates in aquarium.
Advanced Algae Reactor for Growing Macro-Algae
Double sided Aquaray lighting board included
Compact design
Use internally or externally
The light incorporates a custom-engineered light spectrum developed alongside BioLumen Lighting to offer the most efficient photosynthetic processes to promote optimum algae growth inside the reactor.
Advanced, compact reactors specifically designed to grow macro-algae. This macro-algae can be used to reduce unwanted nutrients such as nitrate and phosphate from your reef aquarium and also help improve water quality
Includes a high performance, double-sided LED board using AquaRay technology and Samsung LEDs, with high PUR* and low power
Versatile compact design allows the reactor to be installed internally in a sump or aquarium or externally as a stand-alone reactor
Easily accessible for simple harvesting of algae, simply unscrew and pull the lid up
Includes pipework and fittings
NB: For best results operate the Reef Bio-Gro 2.0 during periods when the aquarium lights are switched off
*PUR (photosynthetically usable radiation) will vary based on species of algae kept, however spectrum peaks are designed to mimic the photosynthetic needs of most algaes.
Designed for reef aquaria
Advanced reactors for growing macro-algae
Used to reduce nitrates and phosphates in aquarium
Double-sided AquaRay lighting board included
Compact design
Can be used internally or externally
12 month guarantee