Round Finger Coral
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The Round Finger Coral is referred to as Sinularia Coral, Finger Leather, or Trough Corals. They are found in various shades of green and brown, with white or gold polyps. Round Finger Coral from Fiji are easy to maintain in the reef aquarium and make an excellent coral for the beginning through expert reef aquarist.
Round Finger Coral are relatively peaceful, but adequate space should be provided between them and other corals in the reef aquarium. Some can produce toxins which are harmful to other reef inhabitants.
Round Finger Coral require high lighting combined with medium to strong water movement. The symbiotic algae zooxanthellae hosted within its body provides the majority of its nutritional needs from the light driven process of photosynthesis. It will also benefit from additional food such as microplankton, baby brine shrimp, or food designed for filter feeding invertebrates. For continued good health, they will also require the addition of iodine, strontium, and other trace elements to the water.